Lincoln Librarians Take Care Of Us

Over the years, we've been so fortunate to have efficient librarians in Lincoln, and we still do. Recently I mentioned to Dianna about a set of books I had borrowed, which had belonged to a friend, and asked if she had some.

She said, no, but would see about getting some, so now the four short novels are ready to be checked out. They were written by a lady as if she is living in a retirement "home," and tell of the daily actions and "quirks" of the elderly, with some sadness, may jokes, and, yes, even a little romance.

The titles give some indication of the contents: Out to Pasture (but not over the hill), Over What Hill?, Older but Wilder, and One more Time (just for the fun of it). Check it out, really different, and fun reading.

Craig and Sheryl Roy and their three children recently returned from their annual vacation on the white sands beach near Pensacola, Fla., and they were "as red as beets" from sunburn. Sheryl broke aloe stems open and covered the affected areas with the juice. The next morning the red was all gone, with no effects from the sunburn.

I have found that aloe is as good, and maybe better, then Unguentine for burns.

Well, we've endured another hot month, and here comes August, which is family meal month, family fun, happiness happens, admit you're happy, children's vision and learning, get ready for kindergarten, back to school, immunization awareness, motor sports awareness, cataract awareness, catfish and goat cheese month.

Just wondering. If con is the opposite of pro, is Congress the opposite of progress?

Happy birthday to Bryley Bradley, Bob Harrell, Megan Luttrell, Nicholas Lyons, Wilma Shannon, Max Roeder, Kerry Bradley, Bonnie Watson, Missy Williams, Keith Myers, Shaun McClellan.

Happy years, all!

Community on 07/27/2016