Lincoln Square Showing Signs Of Fall

Hopefully this wind will blow up some rain. The leaves are falling, and this before they color up. The golden rod, fall-asters and mums provide some autumn color, and are to be enjoyed.

Also, some around the Square in town are colorful. Those on the south side are enjoyed all year. The pharmacy has a great decoration that should last at least through Thanksgiving. The girls in the Hair Shoppe have two barrels full of colorful plants so thick they are growing down over the sides of the containers. Beautiful! Our thanks to all who provide this beauty.

I called Elsie Hanger and she said Hurricane Matthew wasn't as bad there as they had feared. They were still getting lots of wind and rain Monday, but so far, no power outage.

Now, Smile - "Kids of Israel"

The Sunday School teacher had just finished the lesson and it was time for questions and answers. Up shot little Tony's hand.

"According to the Bible, Mr. Smith, the children of Israel crossed the Red Sea, right?"


"And the children of Israel clobbered the Philistines, right?"

"That's right, Tony."

"And the children of Israel built the temple, right?"

"Right again."

"And the children of Israel fought the 'gyptians, and the children of Israel fought the Romans, and the children of Israel wuz always doing something important, right?"

"All that's right too," agreed Smith, "So what's your question?"

"What I wanna know is this," demanded Tony, "What wuz all the grown-ups doing?"

Happy birthday to Kendrick Bentley, Darlene Cheatham, Herman Cox, Ruth Andrews, Ashlee Wofford, Dalton Bradley, Ryan Cochran, Talon Taylor, Gerald Sparks, Taylor Bradley, Reba Tittle, Phyllis Reed.

Happy anniversary to Jack and Nicci Patrick.

Happy years, all!

Remember recycling next Monday, Oct 24. Their time is 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.

Community on 10/19/2016