Where Are All The Birds?

There once was a saying (or was it a song?) that went like this. "I wonder where them little birdies went." Bad language but thoughtful. Now, we're wondering. This past summer there were many reports of the absence of hummingbirds. It seems to be the same way now with other birds. I have seen only one cardinal, a blue jay, and sparrow, one at time, at my feeder. Others have said the same thing. Someone said the hummingbirds were killed last spring when caught in the early cold spell, and froze to death. This can't be true of these due now. I saw many cardinals this summer. I miss them, and the mockingbirds.

Thanksgiving was another special time at Johnny and Anna Cheatham's. All of their immediate family were present-15, including Amy McManus, mother of their grand-daughter-in-law, Brittany Lipford. As usual, there was an army-size meal, from the Turkey, though many BBQ meats, to the venison, the big table of vegetables and salads to the spread of desserts.

Later, Brian Roy and two sons, also Megan and Chris Luttrell and three children came by for a visit. Of course Baby Brynlee was the center of attention.

Among the many specials at Sugar Hill Church Sunday was one beautifully song sung by Carol Van Canon, "Thank your Lord, for Your blessing on me." We should be singing, and praying, that every day.

Remember, the Christmas dinner is planned for this Sunday, Dec. 10, at the Sugar Hill Church. Everyone's invited for the noon meal and music all afternoon.

Happy birthday to Sara Bradley, Dax Moreton, Angelina Myers, Hanna Pitts, Milissa Hutchens, David Latta, Westin Luttrell, Marilyn Tate, Kaytlynn Latta, Curt Roberts.

Happy years, all!

Monday, Dec 11, is recycling, the last this year as the next one falls on Christmas. Maybe we will know by then, if the recycling is to remain in Lincoln.

Community on 12/06/2017