More Than Meets The Eye In FFA

When I first joined FFA, I thought it was going to be just another elective class that was as boring and useless as the last but I quickly figured out that was not the case.

The first thing you think of when you think of the FFA is farming but being involved in my local chapter has shown me that the opportunities in this organization are endless. The skills that I have gained from FFA are some that will benefit and stick with me for the rest of my life as I enter the world of adulthood. I went from being a shy freshman who couldn't present to a class without jumbling my words to giving a marketing plan presentation at the national level this past fall. My team and I competed at the state level Agricultural Communications competition and received first in the state earning a chance to go to Indianapolis to compete at the national level. That was an experience that I will never forget and an opportunity that I would not have gotten the chance to have had I not joined FFA.

So to the skeptical freshman who thinks that because they don't live on a farm they don't have a place in this organization, you do.

This organization will give you so much more than another elective on your transcript. This organization will give you opportunities that change your perspective, push you beyond your limits and out of your comfort zone. This organization will teach you so much more than how to tell the difference between breeds of animals. This organization will teach you skills that no other class or club offers. This organization is so much more than meets the eye and I hope that everyone gets the chance to experience all that it offers as I have.

General News on 02/22/2017