Has Spring Sprung? Well, Maybe Or Not

It seems that Spring has sprung, but the next six weeks will be "iffy." I've seen snow in mid-April. One year it was so deep that blooming tulips showed just the tips above the snow. Another year, we planted an early garden because of warm weather; we had a hard freeze in May, and we had to replant everything -- very unusual, but always possible. We're thankful for the rain, and this weather gives us time for Spring clean-ups.

I had a good visit with a California cousin, mostly weather-wise. He had poured 5 inches from the rain gauge that morning, and they were expecting another storm that night. This is their normally "rainy season," the first time that name has held in five years. So far, they've had 16 inches, with more predicted. He said he wished they could send us some of the rain -- the very thing I've told them these past years. Thankfully, they are in no danger from land slides in their area.

Enjoy the forsythia and jonquils. Those hardy little beauties will bounce back and continue to bloom even after a hard freeze. There is a Magnolia tree on Colt road, in full bloom. Beautiful!

The birds have been busy around the feeder, and I enjoy them, especially the Cardinals, my favorites as are the hummers all summer. Watching them, I was reminded of the following:

Overheard In The Garden

Said the robin to the sparrow

" I should really like to know

Why these anxious human beings

Rush about and worry so?"

Said the sparrow to the robin

"Friend, I know not, lest it be

That they have no Heavenly Father

Such as cares for you and me."

Happy birthday to Bud Cox, Mickey Roy, Jackson Griscom, Michael Snarr, Shannon Yokum, Chris Luttrell, Peggy Curtis. Happy anniversary to Jay and Sandy Norton.

Happy years all!

Community on 03/01/2017