Lincoln Lifestyles

Wednesday, June 13, 2018

If everything goes as planned, by the time we read this, our dear friend Cathy Wiseman will be settled in with her mother, in Missouri. We already miss her, but we wish the best for her as she is one who deserves the best, a friend to all, and every one who knows her, loves her. Her mother has promised a visit with us once in a while.

Recently, Gary Davis visited the Sugar Hill Church and brought the morning message in the absence of Pastor Rick Reed, who was ill. Gary had visited before as a representative of the Gideons. His daughter, Kelly Turner, was also present, and she gave an interesting report on her family history of attending this church. Her great-great-grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Monroe Thomas, had been members years ago, also great-grandparent Lucy Davis. Her grandparents, Kenneth and Sharon Davis have been for years, and still attend.

Kelly's grandparents, Kenneth and Sharon, were married in the church, as were her parents, Gary and Sharon Davis, and her brother and his wife, Jason and Michelle Davis.

The Sugar Hill building was one of many that dotted the area until consolidation. It fell into a sad state of neglect, until some interested men, Mr. Risley, Mr. Thomas, Mr. Tennant and others, took on the job of repairing it, and church services were again held, and are still going strong. Everyone is welcome for Sunday School at 10 a.m. followed by the morning service.

Happy birthday to Kenneth Myers, Lawrence Bowden, Harold Leo Reed, John Latta, Jeanie Woodward, Jack Patrick, Jason Moorman, Bobby Braly, Melissa Little.

Happy anniversary to James and Wilma Myers, Kenneth and Sharon Davis, John and Linda Munyon, Josh and Kendra Moore.

Happy years, all!

Community on 06/13/2018