Board Reviews Changes To Student Handbook

PRAIRIE GROVE -- Superintendent Allen Williams outlined changes to the Prairie Grove student handbook for the upcoming 2015-2016 school year during the July 20 school board meeting.

A number of these changes were mandated by state legislative session.

To avoid taking semester tests, a student must have a C grade or better, no unexcused absences in the class, must not have been assigned to either in-school suspension or out-of-school suspension during the semester tested, and not owe fines or dues. Students enrolled in Advanced Placement classes must meet regular test exemption standards to be exempt from non-AP semester tests regardless of the time of year AP tests are given and the number of AP classes in which a student is enrolled. All AP classes will not have a final exam in lieu of the required AP exam.

During the first semester, students in an AP class will be required to take the semester test if one is offered and exemptions do not apply. During the second semester, AP classes will not offer end of the year semester tests under any circumstances regardless of a student's academic standing in a class. Tardies will also affect exemptions. The limit and consequences for three tardies will be changed to four tardies. Four teacher-documented tardies in a class will be considered an unexcused absence regardless or whether or not other consequences for tardies have been implemented. One unexcused absence in a class will result in a student having to take the semester test in that class.

Once enrolled in an AP course students will not be allowed to drop after one semester. With a teacher recommendation, a student may be removed from the AP class at the discretion of the principal and/or AP committee. Students who take a course credit as an eighth grader must take an additional credit in that subject during their junior and/or senior year.

Student dress and appearances also have some changes. Shorts must be midway between the bend of the hip and knee. No form-fitting shorts or pants will be allowed without something covering midway between the bend of the hip and knee. Skirts or dresses can be no higher than six inches above the knee and pants cannot have holes in them where skin would show above mid-thigh.

Williams described a change in inclement weather policy.

"It used to be you had to get six hours in or you had to make up that day," Williams said, explaining the requirement is now 60 minutes, which would count as a day.

Williams has talked to some of the staff.

"Most decided they would rather go a full day but it is an option," Williams said.

A new law enables districts to sell advertising on school buses. Williams said he is not in favor of this yet advised the board if they want to look at this as way of raising money they can do that.

Prairie Grove has eight-periods in a school day and new regulations allow a teacher to give up a prep period to teach another class with the stipulation they would receive another 1/8 of their salary for this. Williams emphasized this is voluntary and districts cannot force a teacher to do so. He advised this would be less expensive than hiring another teacher to handle one class.

Citing Act 1179, Williams said School Resource Officers are now empowered to act as police officers outside of their jurisdiction if accompanying school personnel and students on a trip. Prairie Grove has taken officers on football state playoff bus trips in the past and this law would empower an SRO to continue to protect and serve without reservation outside of the city limits.

"SROs can actually have their jurisdiction to do their police duties if you are on a trip and they go with you," Williams said. "Outside of Prairie Grove they can still do their police duties."

General News on 07/29/2015