Yes, I Have A Viewpoint

I read every email sent to me. Most are thoughtful and I learn from them. Some are spiteful and impugn my motives. In my articles, I might step on toes, but I hope I always make you think. I do appreciate all of the feedback. Honestly, I would rather just write about faith, family, fatherhood, humorous stuff, and a bit about reforming the church. But some provocative moral issues require a reaction because I care deeply about our country.

Things we observe can make ordinary people feel a sense of outrage. I'm one of those who talks back to the TV. "You've got to be kidding me!" I hate blatant bias in the news. We need Walter Cronkite! Did you know that political activists try to exploit our emotions? They know that anger is a better motivator than fear. Anger is a "get out the vote" card. I believe the anger of the common man against the ruling establishment is what got Donald Trump elected. That's why his support base stays so strong, even when he says dumb things.

I'm a tolerant person, live and let live. To me character counts more than political affiliation. A person of character will say what they mean and mean what they say. They will keep their word. They will fulfill their promises. They won't say things in Arkansas but be different once they're elected. That requires integrity. They can't be bribed or manipulated.

In my heart, I'm not Republican or Democrat. I'm a patriot. I've voted both ways over my lifetime and regretted it both ways, too. One of the most corrupt politicians I ever interviewed (when I was a news reporter) was a Republican. Another politician, a U.S. senator who became a governor, had the best integrity ever. He was a Democrat. There are good people in either party. There are Christians on either side. Some of my friends are conservative. Some of my friends are liberal. I'm for my friends!

I tend to side with whoever will keep America safe, won't bankrupt the country, will leave us alone to raise our children, and won't tear down the moral underpinnings of our great nation. I'm Christian before I'm a member of any party. I'm an unofficial tea-partier. I care about the runaway spending of our taxes by Congress. The TEA party movement is "Taxed Enough Already." I worry, what kind of America will my grandchildren inherit?

I want America liberated from group-think, the monopoly controlling the nation's media, projecting a biased viewpoint, always progressive and pro-Democrat. There are exceptions. Our NWA Democrat-Gazette, in my opinion, continues to be one of the best newspapers in the nation. Along with the weekly regionals, it has high quality and deserves support. I want respectful, intelligent debates about big issues, not name-calling or hysterical accusations.

Do I have a viewpoint? Yes, I do. I'm pro-life, pro-family, pro-Bible, and pro-2nd Amendment. I'm a Bible-believing conservative. These things make sense to me. I'm for our Constitutional Republic that limits the federal government. I think the states can handle many things much better than Washington. We need to elect the best, level-headed leaders we can, good stewards of the future.

The main motivation I truly feel is love. I'm a lover, not a fighter. I love God. I love the Bible. I love America. I love the truth. I love beauty. I love people, especially my wife and kids. There's no better way to live than to love others, even our critics.


Editorial on 04/03/2019