Waves Of Wealth, Being Clothed With More Power For The Gospel

I heard a lady named Viola Davis said, "When you are poor you are invisible." Viola was a prophet of the Lord. She had a burden for common people to hear the gospel. I think Viola was right. Poor people have no voice. They are unseen and unheard. The wealthy have the ability to make their opinion count with the powerful. Unfair, but true. Our Lord Jesus dined with the wealthy but was loved by the poor. They eagerly listened to his words. The Bible says the poor are rich in faith. Heavenly riches always outweigh earthly wealth.

In the face of income inequality, I'm convinced of a pending move of God, an end-time redistribution of wealth, from the wicked to the righteous.

When I first glimpsed this insight, it was by a revelation of the Holy Spirit. I was young, new to the call of God on my life. I didn't know my Bible well enough to make a case pro or con. Now I know the Bible and have a good grasp of church history and theology. I'm experienced at interpreting dreams and discerning times and seasons.

I'm better equipped to know what the Scriptures say in support of this new hope of glory. This open access to the riches of God's grace and glory was promised long ago for the church. I had expected to see it arrive near the end of the age. I believe the process has begun.

The earthly corollary to glory, to be honest, has surprised me. It is a bonus planned long ago in heaven but appearing suddenly on earth. It's a different kind of glory being offered. The first is heavenly. The other is money: the transfer of abundant financial blessings. Over time, I've seen that these great blessings are in no way restricted to servants of God or ordained preachers in the church. This is for all of Abraham's heirs, all of God's kids: believers.

Any follower of Jesus, men and women included, are candidates for this blessing. Every arena of life where we labor is going to be affected in a good way by God's download of grace and glory. If you're a doctor, you'll be a better physician. If you're a teacher, you'll be a better educator. If you're a scientist or entrepreneur, you'll create more jobs for more people.

In every conceivable way, God is equipping the body of Christ with everything the church needs to finish the great commission - the final orders given to us by Jesus as he ascended.

Whether it is a new divine strategy, or an influx of money, or greater faith, or more anointing, or new gifts, or wisdom, or technology, or talent, or communication... we are being clothed with more power to finish the work of the gospel. Our business is being listed in the concluding chapter of the kingdom's advance prior to the King himself returning to earth.

Great glory from God and abundant gold from men... both are coming to God's people by means of grace. God isn't broke and his people should not remain poor.

Having labored at times with inadequate supply but trying to be faithful nonetheless, I'm a little bit excited about what the Lord is saying. The checks have been issued from heaven's bank in glory. They are counter-signed by the Heir of the world, the Lord Jesus. To claim what is available to us, we endorse the check with the word, faith, written not with ink, but with the "pens of our tongues" as we give praise to God.


Religion on 07/03/2019