'Jesus Is Better Than Santa'

Though we feel for those who must be out in the bad weather, this snow is some of what we have been needing to put deep moisture in the ground. (And isn't it beautiful?)

In the absence of "new" news, the following is a reminder of something we should always remember:

"Jesus is Better than Santa"

Santa lives at the N. Pole, Jesus is everywhere.

Santa rides in a sleigh, Jesus rides on the wind, and walks on water.

Santa comes but once a year, Jesus is ever present help.

Santa comes down your chimney, Jesus stands at your door and knocks.

Santa makes you stand in line to see him, Jesus is as close as the mention of his name.

Santa makes you sit on his lap, Jesus lets you rest in his arms.

Santa asks "Little child, what is your name?" Jesus knew our name before we did.

Santa has a belly like a bowl full of jelly, Jesus has a heart full of love.

Santa offers "Ho, Ho, Ho", Jesus gives health, help and hope.

Santa says "you better not cry," Jesus says. "Cast all your cares on me for I care for you."

Santa's helpers make toys, Jesus makes new-lives, mends hearts.

Santa may make you chuckle, Jesus gives you joy.

Santa puts gifts under your tree, Jesus became our gift and died on the tree.

There is really no comparison, Jesus is the reason for the season.

Best wishes to all for a Merry Christmas and a good New Year.

Happy birthday to Duck Perguson, Anita Calico, Judy Pinkerton, Jason Abshier, J.C. Albright, Mitchell Huffaker, Crystal Sisemore, Hadley Cochran, Beverly Crudup, Kendra Moore, Heather Barbosa, Kenny Butler, Bradley Marsching.

Happy anniversary to Don and Diana Bradley, Marty and Angie Clark, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Roach.

Happy years, all!

--Marie Roy is a long-time resident of Lincoln and has written a community column for the Enterprise-Leader for many years. The opinions expressed are those of the author.