It's Always Time To Be Thankful

November is "I am so thankful" month and I wonder how we are thankful the other 12 months, and how often.

So, during a sleepless night, I thought of many things that we take so for granted daily. From A to Z, a lot!

A. air, autumn, aunts, art, automobile, army, Air force;

B. Babies! brothers, Bible, birthdays, beans;

C. clouds, cousins, court, children, cereal, coffee, country, compliments;

D. dinner, Dads, duty, doctors, daughters;

E. EMTs, editors, eggs, earth, elements, events;

F. Faith, fathers, friends, forgiveness, freedom, fog;

G. grass, gelatin, God, guests, glass;

H. health, Heaven, home, humor, hospitals, healing;

I. insurance, identity, ice, independence, ideas;

J. jobs, jokes, jury, jeans, joy, jonquils;

K. kindness, kale, knowledge, Kodak, knives, knees;

L. love, lakes, Liberty, leaders, labor, laughter, life;

M. moon, Mother, medicine, mail, mountains;

N. nurses, newspapers, names, Navy, needle;

O. oil, opportunities, okra, ornaments, ounces;

P. police, planes, photos, pharmacists, pounds;

Q. quiet, quilts, quintuplets;

R. rest, royalty, rain, rivers, robots, ruffles, romance;

S. scientists, sisters, sunshine, son, security;

T. trees, tea, teens, thread, tongue, talents, thrills;

U. uncles, umbrella, urns;

V. vaccine, valleys, valedictorian, vanilla, veins, violins;

W. water, wind, wafers, wages, waiters, wealth, wieners, writing;

X. x-ray;

Y. yachts, yams, youngsters, yards, years;

Z. zeal, zero, zest.

It would be interesting if others might add to the list, maybe an event that was special to remember and tell about.

Happy birthday to Wesley Martsching, Patrick Wooton, Elanor Neal, Jean Helm, Jimmy Chandliss, Kathy Farmer, Dick Watson, Deby Bailey, Teresa Pitts.

Happy years, all!

--Marie Roy is a long-time resident of Lincoln and has written a community column for the Enterprise-Leader for many years. The opinions expressed are those of the author.