Time For Apple Pickin'

As I look out the windows today, at the lush green of the trees and shrubs, I can imagine it to be spring or summer time. We have had enough rain for the foliage to hang on, even in late October. However, the last cutting of hay is in, and soon we will see the leaves falling, and red color in trees, in addition to the few yellow ones we see now. For those who are lucky enough to have them, this is time for some fall apple picking.

My favorite apple, the Grimes Golden, is almost impossible to find now. A few years ago, I was excited to find some Grimes in an Apple Festival booth, and bought a bag full. To my disappointment, when I opened the bag I found they were green, not ripe as they should be. I made a lot of apple sauce, but it didn't taste right. A delicious dessert is baked Grimes Golden. Cut apples in half from the bloom end to the stem end. Don't peel. Carefully trim out core and fill the cavity with sugar or honey and sprinkle with a little cinnamon. Place in a shallow pan, cut side up, and bake at 350-400 degrees for 30 minutes until just soft. Delicious, even without white sauce or ice cream (when cooled).

I hope the young, and young at heart will have a good time Halloween. Some places won't even have trick-or-treat, so make up some fun times of your own (such as carving pumpkins) and make happy memories.

These past months it has seemed so unfair to our young ones, from the different or non-existence of graduations to now.

Happy birthday to Ryan Cochran, Talon Taylor, Reba Tittle, Phyllis (Mrs. Roger) Reed, Josh Myers, Austin Myers and Braden Myers (twins).

Happy anniversary to Jack and Nicci Patrick.

Happy years, all!

--Marie Roy is a long-time resident of Lincoln and has written a community column for the Enterprise-Leader for many years. The opinions expressed are those of the author.