COLUMN: Are We Too Paralyzed To Send Love?

This is an article meant for our daily habits. Two high school juniors had been dating for some time. As they walked up the steps of her porch, the boy decided to make his move. "Can I kiss you good night?" She looked up at him adoringly, gave him a bright smile, and said nothing. Not knowing how to interpret this, he decided it was bad grammar. So he said, "May I kiss you good night?" Again, she smiled warmly, tilted her head up, and closed her eyes, still saying nothing. So he blurted out, "Are you deaf?" She opened her eyes and spoke for the first time: "Are you paralyzed?"

Are we paralyzed, sending only hate, not love? Are our daily images that of war or peace, miserliness or generosity, condemnation or compassion, hatred or love? It seems the images sent out now are of the former, not the later. No way to make America great!

Happy birthday to Mike Lyons, Bobby Jack Spears, Gail Myers, Gerald Kidd, Leon Tucker, Tommy Reed, Wilma Davis, Ryan May, Bo Jones, Josh Moore, Jack Norton, Brylee Myers,

Happy years, all!

--Marie Roy is a long-time resident of Lincoln and has written a community column for the Enterprise-Leader for many years. The opinions expressed are those of the author.