How Agriculture Changed My Life

I have lived on a sheep farm my entire life so I've been involved with agriculture from the time I could help out on the farm. Farming has made such an impact on my life in so many different ways.

Farming has taught me such a great responsibility on taking care of other living things. Farming has taught me how to put animals and the farm first, because when my friends go out on the weekends I stay and repair fences, clean out barns, band the lambs tails and so much more. It is such an honor to me to be able to live on a farm. Farming has given me the chance to have a good work ethic so when I go out and get a job I'll know how to work.

Farming has also taught me the worth of a dollar because I'm out in the really hot or the really cold earning my money, so I'm more reluctant to spend it on worthless things. I love getting to wake up at 5 in the morning and going to my barn to pull lambs and pen them and feeding the ewes. Agriculture has always been a huge part of my life and it always will be.

General News on 02/22/2017