Using Musical Talent For FFA

Hello my name is Jon Hays. I'm a senior at Prairie Grove High school, and this is my fifth year in FFA. This year I was given the opportunity to play at the National FFA talent show. It was a great experience to get to do my passion of music and share that with fellow FFA members all over the country. FFA is not just about farming or animals, and my experience at the talent show is proof of that. FFA is a lot of times about getting you out of your comfort zone to do things such as public speaking, livestock reasons, or even playing in front of many of your peers.

It was a little intimidating at first, but it was an amazing personal experience I wouldn't have gotten through any other organization. The first day I got there, I was put in front of a panel of judges and played my first song. After that, the judges placed all the talent kids to play at different venues. Each participant played in three different venues that week, and that opportunity was so special for everyone who participated. It made everyone go in front of people, play, dance, sing, whatever their talent was. I would have never had this experience if the National FFA wouldn't have given me the chance to do what I love, and do it in the environment of the National Convention.

General News on 02/22/2017