Anonymous Donor Generous To Senior Centers

Recently, a very generous, anonymous donor promised a special donation to be shared by the three Senior Centers, Farmington, Prairie Grove, and Lincoln if each center would match their part with fundraisers. With proceeds from the breakfasts served in the Lincoln center during the Apple Festival, Lincoln more than met their match.

Our hats are off to the center employees and their many volunteers who made this and other fundraisers such a success. (One volunteer I talked to Monday still was tired from the week-end activities.) It was a lot of work.

Thanks also to the hundreds who came for the big country breakfasts. You help keep the center running, and especially support the program of home-bound meals and other activities.

Our new Lincoln Center director, Joanna Stricker received a bit of an "initiation" soon after taking over, by landing in the middle of this annual fundraiser, and she seemed to come through very well. Though we were sad to see Sue leave when she retired, we are finding Joanna to be a very capable and caring director.

Welcome, Joanna!

The annual hay ride, wiener roast and children's Bible lessons are planned for Saturday, Oct. 21, in the Sugar Hill Church. All "youngsters," young and old, are urged to attend this at 6 p.m.

Hearing that some of the wildfires in California were close to Los Angeles, I called to check on our cousins. One of the girls lives in Anaheim but was in no danger.

Happy birthday greetings to Kendrick Bentley, Ashlee Wofford, Dalton Bradley, Darlene Cheatham, Herman Cox, Ruth Andrews, Ryan Cochran, Talon Taylor, Gerald Sparks, Taylor Bradley, Reba Tittle, Phyllis Reed.

Happy anniversary to Jack and Nicci Patrick.

Happy years, all!

Remember recycling Monday, Oct 23.

Community on 10/18/2017