School Time Poem

It's school time again, and I think of "back when" things were so different, such as:

"One night thought of days gone by

When men were men and girls were shy;

When school was started with a prayer,

God's Spirit present everywhere.

We walked to school without a fuss

Through snow and sleet, there was no bus.

We took our lunch and liked it fine;

Sue traded sandwiches with mine.

Our teacher surely loved the flag,

Did not believe our zeal would lag.

Where God and Country were involved,

To teach us right she was resolved.

We sang "My country 'tis of thee,"

And thanked our God for liberty.

We praised the Lord for those who died;

The stars and Stripes displayed with pride.

The Word of God her desk adorned;

Nor was it by our teacher scorned.

Each day a portion she would read,

Our hearts in paths of truth to lead.

Oh, God, I pray with all my heart,

"Grant us a fresh, forgiving start;

Help us to go the Bible way.

Then night will turn, by Thee, to day."

The difference-Back then, peace, respect and learning. No drugs, bomb scares, shooting.

Now, turmoil, riots, drugs, shootings - no word of God.

So, now for some lighter subjects, my favorite sayings of youngsters.

A little girl arrived from school and informed her mother. "Mom, I don't think our teacher can read. She makes us do all the reading, and she just listens."

A little boy said, "Mom, do you know how to make babies?" Shocked, in as few words as possible for his little brain, she told him. To which he replied, "Mom, that's to hard to know. Teacher said just change the Y to I and add ES."

Happy birthday to Ford Cochran, Keith Lyons, Nadine Tennant, Karen Lipford, Jerry Goolsby, Mary Ann Cantrell, Wendell Pershall, Hollis Barker, Daymon Laycox, Edna Tatum, Richard Moore.

Happy anniversary to Johnny and Anna Cheatham.

Happy years, all!

Community on 08/15/2018